How strange is it the whole world is in lockdown and we are advised not to leave our homes? The contrast between the tragedy, sadness and loss caused by Corona Virus and the massive improvement in air quality, thriving nature and wildlife, the peace and quiet outside, the compassion and community spirit being shown by people.
The situation is also an opportunity for self improvement, to do things and start projects which will make us a better and improved person when we come out at the other side.
So whilst I can’t go walking and taking landscape photographs, I can construct this website, I can start printing out my photos, I can read photography books and I can take photos of subjects which I wouldn’t normally.
Whilst I can’t go so far from home, I can do more Yoga and meditation.
I can start personal projects that I have perhaps been putting off and perhaps set some new goals.
So I am on the way with my lockdown projects, this website being one of them and I intend to use this website to display my photographs and to write my thoughts on photography, yoga and life.
I hope you enjoy it.
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